
Council inspection of roads around the prison

If you live in one of the roads around the prisons you should have got a leaflet from Isle of Wight Council about an inspection to be carried out of roads, footways, street lighting, signage and trees that are close to the highway.

The inspection is being carried out because the council is in discussions with the Ministry of Justice about potential improvement works to these estates. Unlike most roads on the Island, the roads around the prisons are unadopted roads which are not part of the council’s responsibility to maintain.

Since I was elected as councillor in 2017, I have pressed the Ministry of Justice to take action on the estates. Last year some progress was made when a small number of streetlights were either repaired or replaced.

So I’m hoping that the discussions with the council and MoJ do lead to agreement and that after very many years of neglect the roads, pavements and streetlights etc will be brought up to a proper standard.

The council’s leaflet asks residents to raise any questions with them using the email address

If you do email the council and want to copy me in using that would be very helpful in making sure I know what issues you have raised.

You can also call me on 524623 if you would like to discuss this. I’m very happy to pass on residents’ views for them if you don’t want to email the council directly.

Andrew Garratt
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