Welcome news that Exxon Mobil are halting CO2 pipeline plans

It was great to hear that Exxon Mobil have withdrawn their plan that could have seen a pipeline carrying waste carbon dioxide across the Isle of Wight.

My Lib Dem colleague, Cllr Nick Stuart, had taken a leading role in opposing the plans, especially as parts of the proposed routes would tear up in the countryside in his Brighstone, Shalfleet and Calbourne ward.

Nick said:

“I was delighted to be told that Exxon Mobil had recognised the overwhelming opposition of Islanders and withdrawn their proposal for a cross-Island CO2 pipeline.

“This is down to the efforts of you in different groups, across parties and communities. Everyone should be proud that they helped force a massive corporation to back down.

“From the moment I first heard of this scheme and started collecting signatures on a petition at the Chale Show, it was obvious that this scheme was a non-starter. If it went ahead it would immensely damage our landscape and environment, and present massive safety issues.

“It was heartwarming to lead the political efforts to oppose this scheme with the early involvement of Parish Councils and our MP. While residents’ views echoed across the Council and in public with massive numbers building up on the paper and online petitions.

“Driving the formation of a Campaign Steering group and Campaign plan along with Claire Critchinson many local people led the efforts to find out information and highlight the dangerous damaging nonsense of ExxonMobil’s carbon capture folly. Although you will miss my mass protest on Afton Down!

“We must hope that Exxon Mobil will shelve this proposal for good and instead focus their efforts and investment into actually reducing their carbon dioxide output.”