
News and views

  • Have your say on Hookes Way green space and play equipment

    Residents are being asked their views on the use of the green space in Hookes Way and the possibility of installing new play equipment. Sovereign Housing Association, who own the space, are working with me and Newport & Carisbrooke Community Council on this project. Sovereign have set up an online survey for all residents (Hookes Way and beyond) to have their say. There is also a chance to discuss what you would like to see happen in person on Thursday, 23 June, from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. I will be there together with representatives of Sovereign and of the community council.

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  • UPDATED: Will Alliance leadership push through 13% hike in WightCare fees?

    UPDATE: the answer was, sadly, ‘yes’. I will be pressing for at least some form of consultation before new invoices go out. _______ Fees for the WightCare service are set to rocket up by 13 per cent under proposals to be considered by the council’s Alliance group cabinet this week (Thursday, 12 May). The plan had been set out in the budget proposed by the Alliance group in February this year. I’d prepared an amendment for a 3 per cent increase but withdrew it when given assurances of consultation and scrutiny. However, the report shows no subsequent consultation has taken place – despite having two months to do so. This is disappointing especially as the Alliance group’s corporate plan sets…

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  • Sensible to pause Island planning strategy

    Today (20 April 2022) was to have a meeting of the full Isle of Wight Council to decide whether to take forward the Island planning strategy to its next stage. However, last week it was announced that the process is being paused. The strategy sets out policies, housing numbers, and land allocations that the council thinks is right for the Island over the next 15 years. For Parkhurst & Hunnyhill ward, last year’s original draft proposed 1,440 houses on four sites in the north of the ward: Ministry of Justice land around the prison (usually referred to just as Camp Hill), at Acorn Hill on Horsebridge Hill, at Noke Common, and on the former Library HQ site off Parkhurst Road….

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  • Budget proposal to tackle poverty and rethink ‘savings’

    Today (23 February 2022) is budget day for Isle of Wight Council. This is the first time that the Alliance Group of independents and Greens have put forward budget proposals since they took over the council’s administration from the Conservatives last May. There are some welcome proposals such as investing in affordable housing and acting on environmental issues. But, due to government underfunding and without a proper “Island Deal”, Isle of Wight Council still has to make cuts. These are not as bad as recent years under the Conservatives. However, three proposals are particularly concerning: charging for video streaming of funerals cutting staff in the council’s contact centre putting up WightCare charges by 13 percent I’ve proposed a budget amendment…

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  • £10,000 for local play equipment as community council sets budget

    On 14 February, Newport and Carisbrooke Community Council set its budget for the coming year, with a 2.5% increase in the amount raised from council tax payers. Among the items agreed is £10,000 towards play equipment for Parkhurst & Hunnyhill ward. I’m delighted with this, having made the case for this at the January meeting of the council. Of course, this money won’t go far but it’s a great start. I’ll be working with residents and others to bid for funding from other organisations. The most likely location for the equipment will be at the bottom end of Hookes Way to start replacing the equipment that had to be removed. As the land is owned by Sovereign Housing Association, I’ve…

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  • Rethink urged on council budget savings

    Isle of Wight Council have published budget proposals for 2022/23 (see item 6b). Cabinet will be considering them next (10 February 2022). I’ve urged the Cabinet to reconsider some proposals in particular: increases in fees and charges for Wightcare that I’ve calculated is an inflation-busting 13% a cut in call centre staff, which risks call waiting times increasing I’ve also asked for more information about a proposal to bring in a charge for video streaming of funeral services. I’m not comfortable with the idea and think it would should be reconsidered. Although I have these concerns, this is a better budget package than we’ve seen in recent years with horrendous cuts under the previous Conservative administration (forced on them in…

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